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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

ABOUT ME! ...and a Challenge

     My name is Chloe. I have 6 siblings and 2 cats. I'm in 5th grade. I went to Africa over the summer and will be going back next summer, but instead of just my mom, dad and me, my whole family will come. Next summer we will be going to Return Ministries and we are raising money to help them get land to build a school and home for the children.The kids in Africa are very creative. They make really pretty bracelets out of yarn and toy cars out of wire. They love simple things like holding your hand. They make the best out of the worst.

This week my challenge to you is to make the best out of the worst and tell me about it in the comment section!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. ^ first comment was from CARTER

    1. From Mom: Chloe, I am totally up for your challenge and I am so proud of how you are following God's call!

  3. Chloe you are amazing! I would say I'm trying to make the best out of the worst by taking my first week of school 1 day at a time. Everything somehow landed in this week and I am extremely overwhelmed - yet I realize I can only accomplish what I can that day. And God is giving me strength! Thanks for being an inspiration!
    ~MC Deming

  4. Great challenge Chloe!

    I often forget that the simple things are all we need. And usually when we make the most out of having the least is when we have the most joy!

    Keep up the good work!

  5. Chloe,
    Yesterday I was reminded that even those who 'have it the worst' can teach us lessons. After serving lunch to our homeless friends, one of them bought MY lunch using a gift card he had found. The fact that someone, who has extremely limited resources, would use those resources for my benefit was very humbling, indeed. It was a real life example that, as he said, "No good deed goes unnoticed".

  6. Chloe,

    I absolutely love this!! You are a great writer. Also... challenge accepted :) I am making the best out of the worst with our moving situation. I don't like change at all and packing is stressing me out. But I am thankful for a place we can call home, great friends, and getting to donate stuff we don't ever use!

    Thanks for the reminder! I needed it today.
    Kelly Poirot

    1. Thank you for all the comments . I was up all night hoping people would read my blog. Yahhhh!!!!

  7. Chloe,
    Write more blogs we want to read!!

  8. Finding Joy in the little things one day or sometimes hour at a time. :)
    I am right there with MC, this was my first week working as an official teacher! New school, new people, new responsibilities = new excitement and stress. It was overwhelming at times but I took a deep breath and did one step at a time. God had control of my time and week and made it a great first time experience! The worst, stress and anxiety, turned into many blessed moments of interaction and new friendships.

  9. Chloe,

    You are one amazing girl! God has great plans for you! Just stay close to Him and let His grace and love guide you through life! I can't wait to see what your future has in store! Love you and miss you soooo much! <3
